We offer our clients an opportunity to live a life of peace and wholeness and to heal from pain, removing barriers and allowing you to achieve your full potential.
Jessica Gebbink
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Locations: Antioch & Lake Geneva
Licensed in: IL, WI, MI
I believe that every single person can benefit from counseling. It doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with you! You take your pet, car, eyes, and kids in for regular checkups, why not your emotions too? Continue reading…
Lori Kokaska
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Location: Virtual
Licensed in: IL
I believe that each one of us has strength and the capability to grow and change, beyond what we even realize that we possess. My goal is to help clients identify those strengths as they pursue personal growth and healing from the challenges and life stressors they face. Continue reading…
Erin Paul
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Location: Antioch
Licensed in: IL
I believe wholeheartedly that EVERYONE can benefit from therapy! There is something truly incredible that happens when a person surrenders themselves to the process of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-improvement. Continue reading…
Michele Albert
Licensed Professional Counselor
Locations: Antioch & Lake Geneva
Licensed in: IL
Navigating the journey of life with its transitions and uncertainties can be challenging. Making
the decision to come to counseling is a brave step and one that I believe can be helpful for all
of us. Counseling can be an oasis in the midst of a stressful, busy life, to focus on unpacking
and processing the things that are getting in the way of living your best life. Continue reading…
Darla Innis
Licensed Social Worker
Locations: Antioch & Lake Geneva
Licensed in: IL, WI
Showing up to therapy is a concrete way to quiet the commotion around you so you can reflect, process, and then take action to pursue the life you want with intentionality. It is my goal to establish an environment that is a safe place to let your guard down. Continue reading…
Robin Holmer
Licensed Professional Counselor – IT
Locations: Antioch & Lake Geneva
Licensed in: IL, WI
I believe that one of the most beautiful gifts from therapy is the ability to achieve clarity on where you’ve been and where you’re going. I truly believe that the more of your authentic, vulnerable self you bring with you to your healing process, the more rewarding experience you will receive. Showing up to therapy can be a rewarding and challenging experience, teaching you to manage your emotions, practice healthy coping methods, and make positive lasting changes to your life. Continue reading